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Writer's pictureLaLovely Photography

Own Your Confidence!

Updated: Jun 27, 2020

So society says a model that is a size 2 is beautiful. Ok, size 4 give or take. No hips, no belly, no thighs, no scars, no tattoos, no stretch marks, no waist, no cellulite…oh breasts and butt, can’t forget that…no breasts and butt. Yeah, society says that’s “beautiful”. And yes to some that may very well be.

However, whats even more beautiful is a woman that walks in her confidence no matter what society thinks. Confident women know that their bodies are beautiful, from the crown of her head, to the soles of her feet. “Oh she think she cute.” Yeap, you sure are honey…JUST the way you are! Society hates confident women, they hate it. And you want to know why? Acceptance. You are at peace with yourself and many battle those acceptance demons.

Even if you toil with your confidence, identifying and either accepting or doing something about it will make the world of difference. (Hint hint…boudoir session!) However, NEVER toil with a characteristic or feature that you cannot change. God created you as you are for a reason…our uniqueness is what makes us adored and loved. Our bodies tell a story! We’re living, walking, breathing canvases. How amazing is that! And guess what, you can sculpt that canvas any way you see fit. Or you can even put that paint brush down with contentment knowing your work of art is complete.

Will I ever be a size 7 again? I don’t know as that was many moons ago…waaay before 2 emergency c-sections, stretch marks and gravity’s tug at the girls. But you know honestly, I don’t think I ever really want to be that size again. Sure I’d like to tone and loose a few inches here and there…and everywhere. BUT what’s important is owning my body now and making consistent strides to get to where I want to be (for me) or accept me as I am because I’M comfortable regardless of how society says I should feel.

I recently got dolled up with the intention to capture self-portraits. It was something I always wanted to do. It was HARD ya'll! Try getting your camera to focus, set the timer (for 20 seconds), run into position, trying to pose, all the while not being coached or having a mirror to see what that pose looks like. I WAS SWEATING! And my legs were soooo sore the next day…sheesh, what a work out!

But, not only did I do this for me though, I did it for you! I wanted to show you my “model body” that society says I should be ashamed of! Who says they don’t have a model body??? Giiiiirl, that could NOT be any further from the truth!!

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